Another tour de force from Andrew. Some exceptional tidbits at the end including "Our societal rot stems from our refusal to allow capitalism to work," and,"The shift from learning to credentialization reflects a fundamental change of the purpose of education...". Andrew-I suggest you take a look at the US Govt's war on crypto. Most people can't see that for what it is- an extra-legal attack on a technology inspired by libertarian ideas-The same ones that formed our basis 250 years ago.

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That's a superb essay.

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Thank God for people like you who understand this and can synthesize down what’s really happening. It took 3 years for me to learn what’s going on. I cannot unsee it now.

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This should be required reading for all Americans. Well done, Andrew.

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Thanks Scott!

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Wow. Seriously impressed with this thorough and thoughtful treatise! I will be sharing, wishing the people who need it most would bother to read it... Keep up the great work, I am a huge fan of the podcast I finally stumbled upon thanks to our technocrat overlords and their almighty algorithms 😉

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Thank you! Much appreciated.

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All you write here is spot on, except for this excerpt: "As Adam Smith knew, capitalism is not intuitive. One has to be taught that self-interest actually works for the greater good of society. As children, most of us - and especially girls - more intuitively believe in a world where everything should be shared and distributed fairly or equally. It is the role of our schools to disavow us of our naïve intuition, and to educate us on the benefits of free markets and freedom generally, and the historical disasters of socialism and communism. American schools no longer do this." Because they know civilized self-interest serves society best.

Working with young children rapidly disabuses you of the idea that humans are naturally sharing, caring individuals -- watch siblings for heaven's sake! Or a school playground. Actually, a good part of an educator's and parental job was to continue the "civilizing" of children. Children need to learn to get along, share, negotiate because they start in a place of ME and slowly become aware of and tolerant of others. In other words, they are in fact natural capitalists! They learn to bargain very soon, they also learn to bully, as well. The magic of capitalism is that it takes the innate motivation. interest and energy of self-interest and channels it into reward, creativity, success, and cooperation -- that ultimately achieves the desired goal.

What has been destroyed by our "woke" culture is the natural right and desire of individual self, period. Including its capitalistic sense that keeps it vibrant, seeking, reaching, learning. Questioning. Capitalism must be conquered because it is a natural state and not easily controlled or coerced into compliance. Ultimately, humans need agency to survive which means they need freedom -- capitalism is a natural expression of freedom. In a power game freedom is the first target. It is the "human nature" of self-agency and interest that must be destroyed from birth. Capitalism must go.

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Great comment. No disagreement that capitalism is a natural expression of freedom. I think there's a big difference between boys and girls on the playground. In any case, I'm sure we agree that our schools are not doing their job of teaching the benefits of capitalism or freedom.

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Excellent piece! I would like to add another angle to this involving the DOD and security agencies colluding with tech companies to keep entrenched hierarchy's in power. This article published in Tablet Magazine takes a deep dive into what the author describes as the first phase of the information war & censorship apparatus. The author has a military intelligence background. He describes how vast counterinsurgency and counterterrorism infrastructure programs have been turned against the American people. The article is long but worth the read.


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