As with the rest of your content, extremely well said Andrew. Unfortunately, you are not just describing New York, you are describing a good portion of the US, as well as Canada, Australia, much of Europe and Britain. When did agency go out of favor? When did collectivism, a notion that fails both the accuracy and efficacy tests, become so mainstream?

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Congrats on your emancipation! Highly recommend synthesis.is for your daughter.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

I have been living here since 2015. You did a good job in that no-mans-land, but it is not safe up there. Time to relax in safety. But don't get used to it, for there are people running down here from New York and New Jersey and as soon as they get here, begin denigrating the Florida way of life/ Gov Desantis and commence to working on its downfall. I have personal knowedge of one such person, and witness others as I am in the hospitality business. Desantis did not win against that degenerate Gillum by a comfortable margin in the race for governor, which says something about the cheating or the stupidity of a great percentage of the voters. We got lucky that Desantis squeeked out a win. Rubio also better win.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

As you suggested, Welcome to Florida! I have much the same story, grew up on 86th and Madison, Buckley and Milton, spent the last 24 years at 86th and First, brother lived a block from me, etc. etc. I wrote about how my wife and I left NYC here: https://aroundsixfifty.blogspot.com/2022/01/the-last-boy-of-summer.html. Suffice it to say as someone who worked for five years in the Giuliani administration, I don't even recognize what the city has turned into.

If you are in the Sarasota area, say hello! Trust you and your family are enjoying the fresh air of freedom.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

Thank you and God bless you for your courageous courage and for fighting this new cancer of progressive wolkism/cancel culture in our society. I will keep up the fight in New York and hopefully get Lee zeldon elected and get all those progressive j_offs out of office.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

I never thought I'd vote for a Republican, but this time around, I probably will, unless a miracle happens and an Independent worthy of it steps up.

Looks like DeSantis might be the game changer. The hate and intolerance from the Left has polluted the very concepts of "progress" or "liberalism".

It's tough on a middle of the roader, but that's life. I feel no affinity for our government at all anymore, regardless of who is in office, but I will continue to vote, if only to thwart the corrosive, toxic influences prevalent now.

Notice that politics has taken the place of religion for those who claim to hate religion's "Our way or the highway" authoritarianism?

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

Welcome to the swamp! Sorry your nice city went to hell. Just remember who kept the schools open and businesses open during Covid down here! Remember to vote DeSantis 2022! South Florida minus Miami is like mini-NYC, check out the gulf coast to get away from all that and start fresh

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

Well said! And welcome to Florida. Sorry about the hurricane, but it's part of the package.

I would encourage you to change the name "Take Back Our Schools" to "Take Back Our Children". I don't know why anyone would want to take back the government monopoly bureaucratic "public" school system - America's best example of totalitarian socialism, from its start.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

This. Exactly this. Thank you for another voice in seeing what has and is really happening. Sadly we have become the Big Rotten Apple.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

Hi Andrew,

As always, you are so succinct in your description and feelings of what is going on in our beloved city, schools and education. Thank you for following your heart and having the courage to speak up.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Andrew Gutmann

My Sincere Congrats for having the "Guts" to follow your "Guts" and try something new! I hope nothing runs you away and everything is warm and breezy! Welcome to Florida to the Gutmann Family! I hope we do get to meet someday, and I hope NYC will return to the special place it once was, for the entire world's sake.

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So are the people moving to Florida from New York going to continue their voting that led to the problems in New York. Will people ever learn?

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Aww. So you realized you didn’t have the numbers to change education in NYC and left? I wonder why. Mmh, maybe if you had realized that you are not one of those NYers you are praising (as much as you think you are), you’d realize why.

All your text about riots and lawlessness are sheer BS. Any metric on crime in the city remains stable. The city is as alive as it used to be. Tourism and culture thrive.

I am glad you and a lot of other losers finally left the city. Enjoy your Free State of Florida. Don’t try to come back.

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